Three Tips to Litter Box Train Your Ferret

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Provide multiple Litter boxes in all corners of the cage. Most ferrets prefer the high backed litter boxes, but ferrets are very picky about where they do their business.  Try different shapes and sizes.  If you have multiple levels of the cage, place the litter boxes  in all corners of the first level .  Keep Puppy pads under the litter boxes to  provide traction for the ferret and keep the area around the ferret  litter box nice and clean.

Have you ever noticed you have to go to the bathroom when you wake up in the morning?  Ferrets are the same way.  When a ferret wakes up, he will have to go to the bathroom.  Use this pattern as an opportunity to put him in the litterbox and praise him and give him a ferret treat when he uses the litter box to relieve himself. Also after a playful period of tussling and running around, a ferret will need to use the litter box.  If you are very observant at these times, put him in the litter box and then praise and give him treats, litter training will go much smoother.

If you do not witness the ferret having an accident outside the litter box, simply clean it up.  Do not scold the ferret will not understand what all the fuss is about. Scolding may cause increased behavior problems.

To sum it all up:

  1. Get lots of litter boxes of different shapes and sizes. Place them in corners of his play area and cage.
  2.  Put him in the litter box  when he wakes up and when he quiets down after playtime
  3. Do Not Scold for accidents

Good luck!

Good Luck!

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